Tabbi Challenge | Image Challenge | Reading Challenge
Join a Tabbi Challenge to inspire, support, and motivate each other.
Tabbi believes that together, we can achieve progress faster and go even further. Join one of our current or upcoming challenges!
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Describe an Image Challenge
Participants describe an image in English every day during the Challenge. It's fascinating and inspiring to read others' descriptions of the same image. Participants often learn new vocabulary and phrases, as we don't usually describe images.
3-Week Reading Challenge
Read one article chosen by Tabbi and summarize it daily. This is a great way to stay connected with current global events, as Tabbi carefully curates interesting and informative articles for you to know.
Write a Gratitude Journal for 21 days!
Write three things that you are grateful for each day. Not only will it help improve your English writing skills, but it will also bring more happiness into your life!
14 Day Intensive Talk Challenge
This advanced challenge requires participants to respond to a daily topic, receive Tabbi's corrections, memorize the Eloquent version, and share the recording with the group.